My posts have been so brief lately that I thought I would take a little time, while I have it, to write about our lives!
Scott first: he started his new position at a Target VERY nearby in Denver. The location is prime, but the store seems to be a bit of a mess. Which means he has his work cut out for him. Much like Scott always does, he's working super hard (and some long hours) to get the store in shape. He's still growing accustomed to the different mentality out here. If I had it my way, I'd fire our nanny and daycare and have Scott quit and be a full time daddy. However, our money trees aren't producing any dollars yet, so that retirement plan will have to wait a little while!
Me: Well going from being a stay at home mommy for 4 months to a full time (plus) employee has been an adjustment. What makes it worth it, I love what I'm doing. Well sort of. I'm on family medicine until July 22nd and while its great to learn about primary care, I miss my specialty! I am on labor and delivery (L&D) starting July 22nd and I am sooooo excited for it. L&D is typically long days (7-6:30), but it will be amazing to be doing a bunch of deliveries and managing labor! This doctor thing sure is a long path, but finally getting to this point makes it all worth it! And when we're not working, we are enjoying some good family time. There are so many parks here, so our new favorite past time is biking around Denver to different parks. We have a nice little kiddy trailer for Violet to ride in (which she loves) and that's how we get our work out in and hang out! We also went on our first hike this past weekend. It was a super easy one, but we got to try out our new fancy hiking pack for Vi and spend some good quality family time. It was a blast! While on the hike, I was able to spread some of my grandma's ashes in this beautiful little babbling creek. It was a very serene, peaceful moment amongst our crazy lives right now.
Violet: she's changing like crazy these days! She's been rolling over non-stop. We put her on her back and she's immediately on her tummy the next second. She can even scoot around the floor. She grabs things, talks, laughs, and we even tried baby food this past weekend (carrots which she loved). She can hold her own bottle now, but not all the time. Still trying to breastfeed (we're about 75% breast 25% formula), but its a pain in the butt pumping at work, so we'll see how long I make it. She sleeps at least 8-9 hours most nights. Although last week we did hit a rough patch - they call it wonder week 19 and it totally exists.... We've seemed to work through that thank goodness. She's such a good baby, I feel so incredibly blessed. She has a nanny Mondays and Fridays (and one weekend a month) and goes to daycare Tuesdays and Thursdays. It is so hard leaving her day in and day out, but she's doing so well getting through it and being a trooper for us. I normally get home around 630 and she doesn't go to sleep until 9, so I get a good chunk of mommy time in that saves my day. I just love her to pieces and I love Scott for being such a great daddy!
Anyway, thats a little more thorough update on us :). Coming soon, 5 month photos of Violet!