Sunday, September 27, 2015

Entering uncomfortable zone...

34 weeks

How I'm feeling: Growing more uncomfortable and pretty done with being on nights. Most days I do feel ok, but my energy and positivity are definitely weaning. Luckily this is my last week of nights!!! I don't know how women with twins do it. My belly feels big enough already to make me uncomfortable bending over and laying down, hard to imagine being bigger. But, I have 6 weeks left, so I guess I better get over it huh?!
Fetal movement: Lots. And lots of hiccups. I am usually reassured by it because it means this kiddo is practice breathing, but when I get a brief moment to take a nap at work and the baby decides to do karate chops and get the hiccups, I get a little perturbed. Seriously though, I am very thankful for a healthy babe in there. 
Weight gain: 21 lbs
Wearing wedding rings: yep
What I'm most excited for today: Holding this baby. I am starting to feel ready. Granted, I do want to cook to full term, I am now actually starting to feel mentally prepared to have this baby. I think anyways. I love me some newborn baby snuggles
What I'm most afraid of today: I've brought this up before, but now that my baby is getting closer to birth, the thing that scares me the most are full term fetal demises or stillbirths. Hence, I bite my tongue anytime this baby decides to move, mid sleep or not. 
Cravings: Cereal. Got myself some fruit loops yesterday and they were delicious :) 
Anything make you sick: Not that I can think of currently
Miss anything: Doing anything and not having braxton hicks contractions all the time. Literally anything I do, I have them. Walk, have them. Full bladder, have them. They aren't painful in the slightest, but it will be nice to get back to having a tight tummy from my own muscles, rather than from my uterus contracting like an apple.

Wouldn't be my blog if I didn't have a bump picture in scrubs right?!

 Left is from Vi, Right from this baby

This was a picture from last pregnancy of Scott when I was 34 weeks, with a very dirty mustache.

Monday, September 14, 2015

32 weeks

How I'm feeling: good, mostly surviving. Still working nights. This whole being a pregnant resident thing is no joke. 
Fetal movement: Still lots. This baby has started to kick my ribs which can be a little uncomfortable. It also feels rather low already and feels like it could fall out at any moment, which I know is definitely and thankfully not the case. Anywho, lots of good movement
Weight gain: Well, I haven't weighed myself this week, but when I checked last week, I was at 19lbs. If I had to guess, I would wager I am at 19-20lbs. 
Wearing wedding rings: yes, although feeling a little snug this week for some reason. 
What I'm most excited for today: Meeting this cutie. I cannot believe how quickly the due date is approaching, less than 2 months now! I can't wait to snuggle this baby and find out the GENDER!!
What I'm most afraid of today: having a newborn and a toddler. Not sure how I will manage both, but many many women have done it before me, so I should be able to do this right?! We dug out bottles and newborn clothes the other day and Violet was loving it all, thinking it was all so cute. Hopefully she thinks her new little brother or sister is as cute. 
Cravings: sandwiches, indian food. 
Anything make you sick: not really luckily
Miss anything: I went wine tasting for one of my best friend's bachelorette party. It sure made me envious of the wine drinking. 

Left is from Violet, right is from no name baby

Bachelorette fun in PDX with some of my favorite ladies

 Baby # 2 for both of us: Me at 31 weeks and Lo at 19weeks

Look how cute my first baby is
 Can you believe this was her TWO years ago?!