Avery is a very good little girl, but she is pretty different from Violet. She is extremely strong. She holds her head up and her arms are incredibly strong. When we do tummy time, she often will roll from tummy to back when I'm not looking, and that started when she was 3 weeks old!! She is a fiesty one. With this strength comes some fight. She often fights to go to sleep. She is really only happy being held or flat on her back on the ground or on her changing table. She's not very tolerant of her swing or her bouncer. Avery makes good eye contact now and can track objects across the room. She is also smiling more and starting to coo which is fun. Her sleep is hit or miss and this is where she varies most from Vi. Most nights, we can put her down at 830 or 9 and she makes it until 2, then shes up again at 6. But some nights when she wakes up at 2, she fights going back to sleep and is up for 2 hrs. I think part of this is that we have her sleeping in her crib in her room, sleep training her to prepare for work, and she is fighting this a little. I think if she had it her way, she would co-sleep day and night. She loves to be snuggled up close to me and my boobs. Violet was much more independent and was much happier to sleep on her own. Vi also could fall asleep on her own if we put her down awake. Avery has yet to master this skill, as much as I try to teach her to do it. And while she feels like a more difficult baby than Violet, I can't complain too much. She is easy to soothe and will sleep by herself for 4-5 hr stretches. I have two good girls and I love their differences (one is my fighter/strong little baby, one is a sleeper/very compliant little lady). I can't wait to see what those look like as they age.
Kisses for my little one
What bath time looks like now
My sweet little Vi
Posing for her one month shots. She is just too cute!!