Thursday, September 27, 2012

BOY or GIRL?!?!?

Well we found out the sex today! We went in for a doctor's appointment, which we ended up combining with our ultrasound for convenience. We had them take a picture of the sex and put it in an envelope. We took that to Jone's brothers Cupakes and had them make us the appropriate color cupcakes!
Scott was convinced it was a girl and I thought for sure it was a boy. I thought I snuck a sneak peak of some male genitalia at my last ultrasound... Well we opened up the box and....


I was WAY wrong, but super excited!

Eating our excitement in yummy cupcakes lol.
Well, then we knew how we wanted to announce it on facebook, using our first true children of course. Brooklyn representing for the ladies and dale for the dudes.

It was nearly impossible to get them to cooperate lol.

Brooklyn is excited to be a big sis and have another female in the house!

 Yay for the ladies!! :) So exciting.
While I was still in Oregon, I got to see my very pregnant and very beautiful friend Nikki. She made me take a photo holding my non-existent belly with her. She looks super cute- I look like a poser lol.

4 ladies total in this pic :)

More belly photos soon............................. Can't wait to meet our little girly!!

Friday, September 21, 2012

17, almost 18 weeks

18 weeks Sunday! I got to see the baby on ultrasound again this week. I was in a VERY minor car accident and my work wanted to scan me. Mostly because I think they wanted to see my little kiddo. And I cant say I blame them because when I saw my baby on the screen, I nearly melted too. So stinking cute- actually looking like a baby! We are only a few short weeks away from finding out the sex! I just cant wait to see it again! It looked so big on the screen, but my belly has yet to look that way. Still kinda just looking a little pudgy, which I don't love. When will I look pregnant? Any guesses out there? Also, I started feeling the baby move every great now and then! It feels a little like popcorn popping inside my belly lol. What a neat feeling!

Quick updates:
How I'm feeling: Really good this week!
Feeling fetal movement: yes, ever so slightly.
Weight gain so far: 6-7 lbs depending on the day.
What sex do I think it is: depends on the day.
Names: Many, but we won't probably pick or share until baby is born. Taking suggestions :)
What I'm most excited for today: dressing my baby in cute new born clothes.
What I'm most afraid of today:  that I will make the wrong decision about where we should live for our baby.

Residency updates:
Finished up at OHSU and feeling very positive about my experience there. We shall see what happens next. Hopefully an interview offer...
3 interviews scheduled so far: one in Phoenix, one in New Mexico, and one in Kansas. Not sure if I will keep all of these, but for now, just scheduling every one I can. Come on west coast!

Scotty update:
Nothing much new- just working hard as usual for me and the baby. Excited to have us back home :).

That about covers it!

Monday, September 10, 2012

16 weeks pregnant or fat....

4 months pregnant. Time is flying by!! Still feeling good and slowly developing a belly. AKA just feeling fat. I am excited to get past this stage and just look a little more pregnant. I took my sister and mom to help me register the other day (since I won't be back home until December, and lets face it, I'm a rookie). Wowzers am I glad I had them with me. Who buys all this stuff?!?! And why does there have to be like 6 brands/types of everything? Thank God for having experts with me.

 Yes this is nearly the same picture in color and black/white, but I was looking for any way to make myself feel/look better. Take your pick. I choose neither lol.

A picture of me and my sis- her looking skinnier/prettier than me. You're welcome Eileen :).
I think that about covers it. No real news besides that. Still liking OHSU, but getting excited to be reunited with my cute husband. Next pregnant photos at 20 weeks, AND the gender!!!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Birthday Parties and Scott visits Oregon

Well, Scotty visited me in Oregon this weekend and it was sooooo wonderful to have him here. Note: cheesy wife moment ahead. I just love my hubby. I think he is the greatest and takes such good care of me and the baby. Ok, that's all :).

Scotty and his BFFs that he misses so much.

Scotty and our two adorable nephews Jackson and Emmett.

It was also my niece Jocelyn's birthday party this weekend. She turned ONE! Where does the time go?!?! I must remember to embrace every moment when my baby comes along, so I don't miss a second of it!
The girls and I!!

Opening presents

Birthday cake!

Naked pictures are the best

I love my sister!

Jocelyn in the cute outfit Scott and I bought her.

Its been fun being here and being around family. OHSU has been good thus far- loving my attendings and hoping for more time with my residents every day! Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility is VERY cool medicine, but it makes me feel lucky/blessed to be pregnant!!!

Speaking of, baby continues to grow. I think I am finally starting to show some. Well, my pooch is getting bigger anyway, requiring me to wear my jeans unbuttoned... Loving the baby bands right now. 15 weeks this past Sunday! Time is flying! 16 week photos to be posted next week :)