Friday, September 21, 2012

17, almost 18 weeks

18 weeks Sunday! I got to see the baby on ultrasound again this week. I was in a VERY minor car accident and my work wanted to scan me. Mostly because I think they wanted to see my little kiddo. And I cant say I blame them because when I saw my baby on the screen, I nearly melted too. So stinking cute- actually looking like a baby! We are only a few short weeks away from finding out the sex! I just cant wait to see it again! It looked so big on the screen, but my belly has yet to look that way. Still kinda just looking a little pudgy, which I don't love. When will I look pregnant? Any guesses out there? Also, I started feeling the baby move every great now and then! It feels a little like popcorn popping inside my belly lol. What a neat feeling!

Quick updates:
How I'm feeling: Really good this week!
Feeling fetal movement: yes, ever so slightly.
Weight gain so far: 6-7 lbs depending on the day.
What sex do I think it is: depends on the day.
Names: Many, but we won't probably pick or share until baby is born. Taking suggestions :)
What I'm most excited for today: dressing my baby in cute new born clothes.
What I'm most afraid of today:  that I will make the wrong decision about where we should live for our baby.

Residency updates:
Finished up at OHSU and feeling very positive about my experience there. We shall see what happens next. Hopefully an interview offer...
3 interviews scheduled so far: one in Phoenix, one in New Mexico, and one in Kansas. Not sure if I will keep all of these, but for now, just scheduling every one I can. Come on west coast!

Scotty update:
Nothing much new- just working hard as usual for me and the baby. Excited to have us back home :).

That about covers it!

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