Friday, March 1, 2013

The best thing I've ever done

Baby Update
Well, I think most that follow this know that my little angel was born! Violet Isabel Collins was born on February 15th at 10:07pm, 9 days before my due date. She is 2 weeks old today and changing all the time. These past 2 weeks have been tiring and wonderful and filled with an incredible amount of love. Here is her birth story...

On February 15th, well actually, lets start earlier in the week. As I mentioned in my 38 week blog post, we had a couple of false alarms, so on Feb 12th we went to the doc, hoping for some change or progress. I was still 2cm and 70% effaced (the same as the week prior). At that appointment, my doctor informed me that he would be out of town for my due date and that whole week, so if I wanted him to deliver, I had to be induced the week before my due date. He promised that my cervix was favorable and that it would go good so we scheduled my induction for Feb. 20th. In my mind, I knew I would do everything I could to get her out before then. On Feb 14th, I went for a jog, yes a jog. It didn't last long tho and I gave myself a 30 min contraction, so I walked the rest of the way and then the contraction went away after I got home and rested for a bit.

On Feb. 15th, I woke up feeling fine, except she felt a little lower. Around 1 pm, I started getting semi-painful, regular contractions, but I doubted it because I had had these before. I went about my day as usual, but at 3 pm, the contractions were worse and bringing me to tears. I called Scott and told him to come home, we were going to the hospital. We arrived at the hospital around 4:15 and when the nurse checked me, I was still 2cm and 70% effaced, but my contractions were coming every 2 min still. She said they would watch me for an hour and to walk around as much as possible.

By the end of our walk, I was keeled over in pain with each contraction and they were only about 1.5 min apart. No time for reprieve!!The nurse checked me again and I was 3 cm, so they admitted me. At that point, the nurse convinced me to go ahead and get my epidural, thank GOD. So at 6pm, I got the drugs and I can't even tell you how unbearable the pain was and how much relief I got from the epidural. My baby's heart rate improved dramatically and so did my stress level. Scott was happy to not see me in that kind of pain anymore too.

 The glorious epidural!!
The nurse checked me again right after I got the epidural and I was 4cm. Shortly thereafter, the nurse rotated me onto my other side and my water broke. With that, she checked me again and I was 5-6cm dilated. The amniotic fluid had meconium in it (AKA the baby pooped in utero), so NICU had to be at the delivery. This didn't scare me too much as I know how common it is, but I could feel Scott's nerves. I'm pretty sure my jog the day prior brought on my baby pooping! About an hour or so later, the nurse checked me again and I was 9cm. Everything happened very quickly to say the least!!By 9:30 pm, I was completely dilated and we started to practice push with the nurse. I moved the baby so well, that she made me stop and wait for the doc. Once the doctor arrived, I pushed through a few more contractions and then, at 10:07 pm, my baby was born!!!! 

My cheesy little baby girl :)

NICU didn't have to do any deep suction or anything to help with the meconium, so I got to hold her right away. Talk about the most amazing moment of my life, looking down at this beautiful little creature. The perfect blend of Scott and I. This thing I had been growing in my body for so long. I have many great accomplishments in my life, but she is by far and above, my best accomplishment yet. I was instantly overcome with joy and love. Scott was so amazing throughout the whole process, talking me through the pain and cheering me on as I pushed. As Violet came out, he looked so proud and had this nervous little laugh going on. It was absolutely adorable. I feel so lucky to have such an incredible husband. I feel like I keep using adjectives like incredible and amazing, but honestly, words just don't capture this beautiful moment.

These past 2 weeks have been nothing but wonderful. The first 2 nights at home I don't think I slept more than 20 min at a time, but since then, she has become a great sleeper and feeder. Breastfeeding is much harder than I thought it would be and I am so glad I am finally getting the hang of it! I have until April 22nd off with my daughter and I plan to embrace every second. In 2013, I am becoming a doctor and became a mom. What a GREAT year! I never knew just how much I would love being a mother, but it truly is one of the most incredible feelings in the world. Here are some of photos from the first week of Violet's life.





My happy little family.
Minus the dogs anyway :)
This blog may become less used now that I got a little lady keeping me busy, but I will try to post at least once a month with pics of Violet so you can watch her grow!


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