Saturday, October 26, 2013

8 months and Crawling!!

Fall really is the best time of year. The trees are changing colors (which by the way is beautiful to see in the mountains again!), it's starting to cool off, I get to wear hoodies and boots, not too mention all of the fun things I get to do with my little lady this fall and winter. Violet is 8 months old and has become my little monkey. She likes to climb everything now that she can pull up, literally everything. She has these hilarious moments where she acts silly on purpose to make us laugh. She knows how to crawl, but still army crawls quite a bit. She LOVES to eat finger foods. She wants to hold anything and everything that you hold, and tries to throw a little tantrum when she doesn't get her way. The problem with this is that she's way too easily distracted and forgets about it once you place another toy in her hands. Silly baby :). Finally, she is growing some hair, which means bows!! She takes 2 naps a day, typically 1-2 hrs, goes to bed at 8 and gets up around 630 or 7. She naps best at her daycare and worst when scott and I are both home. I love her little personality more and more. Honestly, I think each stage of her growth is just a little more fun- I love how interactive she is now. She's not just a little blob of a baby! As I type, my monkey is trying to climb up my legs lol. To be frank, its been a little hellish to be on nights with a baby. I work from 5pm to 8am on Sunday and then monday thru thursday I work 6pm to 8am. I see Scott for a total of 30 min a day and I see Violet for about 2 hrs. Its tough stuff. My saving grace is having the weekends off. I love my night team and what I'm doing, but its not the best set up for family life. Luckily I'm almost done and then onto a much easier schedule.
Speaking of residency, its been such a fun ride. I LOVE what I do- it just doesn't get much better than delivering babies and taking care of women. I have a great bunch of co-residents and I'm learning a TON. Feels good to be at this point and even though the days are long and hard sometimes, I know these 4 years will fly by.
Scott is still working at Target and liking it more and more these days. They have been so flexible with him and his schedule, which is great since mine is not! He can always leave to pick Violet up from daycare on time. He takes such good care of Vi- I seriously couldnt ask for a better husband and partner thru my crazy schedule. I love him more all the time. Ok, enough cheesy wife moments :). What I'm really looking foward to (and him also) is when he can retire and be a stay at home daddy, but for now, we need his salary to help us get by!
We are getting family photos next weekend and I am soooo excited about it! Stay tuned for some cuteness...
Here's Vi at 8 months old. I know, I know, she is freaking adorable :)

Look at those chunky thighs!

Violet's first visit to the pumpkin patch!

My little lady practicing standing.

A fun family weekend in Vail

Overalls? Um yes please!!!

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