Monday, December 14, 2015

Avery is ONE MONTH old already!

I'm not sure where time goes. I'm already nearly done with my maternity leave and it breaks my heart. I have had such good time with my girls but this maternity leave has felt so different. With Violet, it was just her and I, so I was able to dedicate all of my time to her. With Avery, Vi has been home with us, so I feel like I've had to split my time between the two girls. It almost feels like I've had less time with Avery and probably because I have. We have done some good bonding and nursing is going well, but I feel very sad that I have to leave her already. I knew having a baby in residency meant less time to bond, but it doesn't mean it hurts any less. I just try to remember that I am doing this for my family and for our future, so I can provide for our girls and give them a good female role model. It helps to also think that many many other female physicians have done this and lived to have their kids love them through it :).

Avery is a very good little girl, but she is pretty different from Violet. She is extremely strong. She holds her head up and her arms are incredibly strong. When we do tummy time, she often will roll from tummy to back when I'm not looking, and that started when she was 3 weeks old!! She is a fiesty one. With this strength comes some fight. She often fights to go to sleep. She is really only happy being held or flat on her back on the ground or on her changing table. She's not very tolerant of her swing or her bouncer. Avery makes good eye contact now and can track objects across the room. She is also smiling more and starting to coo which is fun. Her sleep is hit or miss and this is where she varies most from Vi. Most nights, we can put her down at 830 or 9 and she makes it until 2, then shes up again at 6. But some nights when she wakes up at 2, she fights going back to sleep and is up for 2 hrs. I think part of this is that we have her sleeping in her crib in her room, sleep training her to prepare for work, and she is fighting this a little. I think if she had it her way, she would co-sleep day and night. She loves to be snuggled up close to me and my boobs. Violet was much more independent and was much happier to sleep on her own. Vi also could fall asleep on her own if we put her down awake. Avery has yet to master this skill, as much as I try to teach her to do it. And while she feels like a more difficult baby than Violet, I can't complain too much. She is easy to soothe and will sleep by herself for 4-5 hr stretches. I have two good girls and I love their differences (one is my fighter/strong little baby, one is a sleeper/very compliant little lady). I can't wait to see what those look like as they age.

Kisses for my little one

What bath time looks like now

My sweet little Vi

 Posing for her one month shots. She is just too cute!!

Monday, November 23, 2015

Avery's Birth Story

Little miss Avery Lynn was born on 11/3/15. She is a beautiful, healthy little girl. She is strong and sleeping well already. Here is her birth story:
On Tuesday night, 11/2, I went to bed nice and early in hopes of sleeping well. That night I woke up several times. Once because I was incredibly nauseas, so I went and took some zofran. The next time I woke with terrible hip pain and contractions, so got up and took some tylenol. The contractions continued, but only sporadically. This was not abnormal for me. I contracted throughout the last few weeks painfully here and there. My body just likes to fake me out, so I continued to sleep (or try to anyways) through them. The baby was moving great all night regardless. The next morning, I was supposed to be in the OR all morning. The scary thing was that the baby just kind of stopped moving and I didn't feel her move all morning. I was nervous about it, so I went up and ultrasounded myself and luckily the baby's heart was still ticking away, but it was still being very quiet. By lunch time, I still wasn't feeling her move, so I decided to head into the doctor where they did some fetal monitoring. Her heart rate looked somewhat odd, almost like she had an arrhythmia which she had never had before (she was still an it at this point to us). I was sent into labor and delivery for prolonged monitoring and potentially an induction. Once I got to labor and delivery, the baby started moving more regularly and the heart rate monitoring looking much more reassuring. Scott and I and several doctors chatted and discussed all options. My cervix was favorable at 3cm dilated and with a healthy baby and a planned elective induction for 3 days away anyway, we decided to just go for it since her movement pattern was a bit bizarre that day. It was not an easy decision to say the least. Deciding to force your baby out of you turns out to be a pretty big scary decision. I was so happy to have so many great, supportive docs and nurses around me because they made making the decision much easier.
We started the induction at 4 pm with pitocin. Almost immediately, I began contracting every couple minutes. By 5:30, the contractions were painful, and by 6pm, I decided to get my epidural. Again, so thankful for modern medicine. I took a little while to get comfortable with the epidural because my cervix was changing so quickly. I went from about 5cm to 9cm over the course of an hour and broke my water. Luckily, I had my amazing hubby, a great nurse, and wonderful CRNA sitting with me until I got comfortable. We never even had to use that much pitocin. This baby was ready to come out if you ask me. By 7pm, I was comfy cozy and laughing again. At 7:30pm, I was complete and began pushing. Then, at 7:43pm, sweet Avery was born. Scott announced the gender, which took him a second :). She was just perfect. Immediately, we loved her so much and felt so lucky to have such a beautiful healthy girl joining our family. She was 20inches long and 7lbs 2 oz. Smaller than miss Vi, who weighed 7lbs 9oz. I feel very blessed that everything went so smoothly and that I work at a hospital with such outstanding nurses, doctors, and co-residents. I wouldn't choose to deliver anywhere else. And Scott, yet again, was so incredible, supporting me and encouraging me throughout the pain and labor- I really couldn't ask for a better partner.
The first two weeks have been what we expect out of a newborn. Some sleepless nights, but the nursing has gone well and we are slowly getting into a pattern. We put Avery down at 8:30 or 9pm and then she wakes up or we wake her at 2am and then again at 6am. She sleeps in her room already. Avery is so incredibly strong. She has so much head control and her arms are wild! She is gonna be one feisty lady. She loves to be held and snuggled/swaddled. Violet is not super into her yet, but she is slowly warming up to the idea of a sister.
It is strange to be a family of four, but I feel so fortunate to be surrounded by so much love. This will be quite an adjustment, getting two kids ready, feeding them/nursing, traveling with them... I have a new respect for moms who have more than 2 while I struggle to take care of just 2!
Thank you again to everyone who was involved and helped take care of me. It was a wonderful experience because of you all!

This is a picture of me working just after I delivered lol. I couldnt resist.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

38 weeks prego

How I'm feeling: very pregnant... I forgot how hard this end part is. Everyone keeps asking you, "so you're still pregnant?!" Yes, I am, thank you for the reminder. Your body continuously fakes you out with random painful contractions here and there. I just keep reminding myself that I can do this... right?!
Fetal movement: at times lots and other times not so much. This baby definitely sleeps heavy when it sleeps. Hopefully that continues on the outside!!!
Weight gain: 27lbs. Not sure what happened there.......
Wearing wedding rings: yep
What I'm most excited for today: To see Violet snuggle on her new brother or sister. And although I cannot wait to see my two kiddos together, I am also trying to cherish these last weeks that I have with just my sweet little Vi. It won't just be the 3 of us anymore, which will be wonderful I'm sure, but just different.
What I'm most afraid of today: The sleep deprivation that comes with the newborn period. I try to keep reminding myself that even though I think I'm sleeping bad now, the newborn period is soooo much harder, so soaking up the quiet nights!
Cravings: sweets. Thanks Halloween
Miss anything: My pre-pregnancy body. The one that moves around with ease, sleeps comfortably and can drink alcohol :)

Left: baby #1, Right: baby #2
With miss Violet, I delivered at 38weeks 4days (so the photo below was my last), which is in 2 days. I have a feeling this baby is going to want to cook for longer...

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Yep, definitely uncomfortable now

We went to Hawaii this week for my dad's 60th and it was incredible. Lots of photos to follow of the good times. 

How I'm feeling: large. Most things hurt, including: ribs, back, pubic bone, feet. I've also become itchy all over, not loving that. And, the painful contractions have started. Nothing regular, but every so often, I get a glimpse of what's coming my way for labor. No bueno...
Fetal movement: some days lots, some days less. I remember with Vi the movements at the end become more snake like, rather than jabs, which has started again with this kiddo. 
Weight gain: at 36 weeks, I was at 23lbs. That was before vacation... now at just about 37 weeks, I bet we are approaching 25lbs with how I ate in Hawaii. 
Wearing wedding rings: yes, but in the salt water, they were feeling rather snug. 
What I'm most excited for today: my body without aches and pains. And meeting this cutie that is giving me all the aches and pains of course :)
What I'm most afraid of: a little nervous that this new itchiness is cholestasis of pregnancy, which can mean early induction because of increased risk of stillbirth. Let's just hope it dies down a bit. 
Cravings: ice cream
Anything make you sick: the airplane meal that Hawaiin airlines gave us....
Miss anything: booze. There was lots of good drinking going on for my dad's 60th in Hawaii this week, dance parties included. It will be nice to partake in the festivities again. 

At 36 weeks with miss Vi...

 At 36 weeks with miss Vi on the outside :)...

Dancing on the sunset cruise

Snuggles with my first baby

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Entering uncomfortable zone...

34 weeks

How I'm feeling: Growing more uncomfortable and pretty done with being on nights. Most days I do feel ok, but my energy and positivity are definitely weaning. Luckily this is my last week of nights!!! I don't know how women with twins do it. My belly feels big enough already to make me uncomfortable bending over and laying down, hard to imagine being bigger. But, I have 6 weeks left, so I guess I better get over it huh?!
Fetal movement: Lots. And lots of hiccups. I am usually reassured by it because it means this kiddo is practice breathing, but when I get a brief moment to take a nap at work and the baby decides to do karate chops and get the hiccups, I get a little perturbed. Seriously though, I am very thankful for a healthy babe in there. 
Weight gain: 21 lbs
Wearing wedding rings: yep
What I'm most excited for today: Holding this baby. I am starting to feel ready. Granted, I do want to cook to full term, I am now actually starting to feel mentally prepared to have this baby. I think anyways. I love me some newborn baby snuggles
What I'm most afraid of today: I've brought this up before, but now that my baby is getting closer to birth, the thing that scares me the most are full term fetal demises or stillbirths. Hence, I bite my tongue anytime this baby decides to move, mid sleep or not. 
Cravings: Cereal. Got myself some fruit loops yesterday and they were delicious :) 
Anything make you sick: Not that I can think of currently
Miss anything: Doing anything and not having braxton hicks contractions all the time. Literally anything I do, I have them. Walk, have them. Full bladder, have them. They aren't painful in the slightest, but it will be nice to get back to having a tight tummy from my own muscles, rather than from my uterus contracting like an apple.

Wouldn't be my blog if I didn't have a bump picture in scrubs right?!

 Left is from Vi, Right from this baby

This was a picture from last pregnancy of Scott when I was 34 weeks, with a very dirty mustache.

Monday, September 14, 2015

32 weeks

How I'm feeling: good, mostly surviving. Still working nights. This whole being a pregnant resident thing is no joke. 
Fetal movement: Still lots. This baby has started to kick my ribs which can be a little uncomfortable. It also feels rather low already and feels like it could fall out at any moment, which I know is definitely and thankfully not the case. Anywho, lots of good movement
Weight gain: Well, I haven't weighed myself this week, but when I checked last week, I was at 19lbs. If I had to guess, I would wager I am at 19-20lbs. 
Wearing wedding rings: yes, although feeling a little snug this week for some reason. 
What I'm most excited for today: Meeting this cutie. I cannot believe how quickly the due date is approaching, less than 2 months now! I can't wait to snuggle this baby and find out the GENDER!!
What I'm most afraid of today: having a newborn and a toddler. Not sure how I will manage both, but many many women have done it before me, so I should be able to do this right?! We dug out bottles and newborn clothes the other day and Violet was loving it all, thinking it was all so cute. Hopefully she thinks her new little brother or sister is as cute. 
Cravings: sandwiches, indian food. 
Anything make you sick: not really luckily
Miss anything: I went wine tasting for one of my best friend's bachelorette party. It sure made me envious of the wine drinking. 

Left is from Violet, right is from no name baby

Bachelorette fun in PDX with some of my favorite ladies

 Baby # 2 for both of us: Me at 31 weeks and Lo at 19weeks

Look how cute my first baby is
 Can you believe this was her TWO years ago?!