Wednesday, October 28, 2015

38 weeks prego

How I'm feeling: very pregnant... I forgot how hard this end part is. Everyone keeps asking you, "so you're still pregnant?!" Yes, I am, thank you for the reminder. Your body continuously fakes you out with random painful contractions here and there. I just keep reminding myself that I can do this... right?!
Fetal movement: at times lots and other times not so much. This baby definitely sleeps heavy when it sleeps. Hopefully that continues on the outside!!!
Weight gain: 27lbs. Not sure what happened there.......
Wearing wedding rings: yep
What I'm most excited for today: To see Violet snuggle on her new brother or sister. And although I cannot wait to see my two kiddos together, I am also trying to cherish these last weeks that I have with just my sweet little Vi. It won't just be the 3 of us anymore, which will be wonderful I'm sure, but just different.
What I'm most afraid of today: The sleep deprivation that comes with the newborn period. I try to keep reminding myself that even though I think I'm sleeping bad now, the newborn period is soooo much harder, so soaking up the quiet nights!
Cravings: sweets. Thanks Halloween
Miss anything: My pre-pregnancy body. The one that moves around with ease, sleeps comfortably and can drink alcohol :)

Left: baby #1, Right: baby #2
With miss Violet, I delivered at 38weeks 4days (so the photo below was my last), which is in 2 days. I have a feeling this baby is going to want to cook for longer...

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