Monday, July 20, 2015

24 weeks

How I'm feeling: Pretty darn good. Again, tired most days. This baby has got to be sitting side to side in my hips or something because my hips are aching quite a bit lately. Luckily a little heat and stretching seems to help. I really shouldn't complain because life could be worse, but its my blog, so I can do what I want right?!  :-)
Fetal movement: lots! I can now even feel little feet sitcking out from time to time. Which is kinda fun because now I can start to poke this baby back!
Weight gain: 11lbs
Wearing wedding rings: yep
What I'm most excited for today: Watching vi be a big sister. This weekend we made some real progress on potty training. I loved watching her be so proud of herself - it was just adorable. 
What I'm most afraid of: going into labor right around now. This period of time between like 23-28 weeks is always nerve racking to me because when they come out this early, they are so fragile and outcomes are so unknown. I will be excited when I am out of this zone. 
Cravings: none really. Boring I know. I guess if you count my need for coffee or a latte on a daily basis.
Anything make you sick: not really, another boring answer. 
Miss anything: a chilled white wine in the summer time. Or summer time mojitos. Oh, or margaritas. Summers are good for drinking...

One on the left is from Violet, one on the right is from No Name Baby #2...

Speaking of names, not sharing first off, sorry! :-) I think we have a boy name, but the girl name... I change my mind weekly so we shall see. 

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