Sunday, March 13, 2016

Being a mom of two

Well, life is crazy and chaotic as usual. I knew life would be hard being a mom of two, but you really have no idea until you're going through it. Every day, I feel torn between two little ones, trying to split my love and attention evenly. One requires very frequent nursing (Avery likes to cluster feed when I'm home to make up for the hours I'm not around) and the other requires very active playing. Its definitely no easy feat and pretty exhausting. I see a light at the end of the tunnel though as we only have 16 months left of residency and then we can move home and have help from family!

Violet is your typical 3 year old. There are days she is as sassy as they come with tons of tantrums and crying. Her favorite thing to say right now is, "You're making me so sad," when we tell her she can't do something or has to go to bed. Well, ok then you little manipulator lol. She is sooo much fun at the same time though. The other day we took her to her 3 year old check up and at the end of the visit she told the nurse, "Thanks for checking me!" She says the funniest things, like "You're ok hunny," when Avery cries. She is so sensitive and very silly. She has the best imagination and will pretend her pens are princesses. She loves dancing (but not in front of people) and playing with barbies. She still loves kitties. We have been taking her to dance class and she is extremely introverted there; its somewhat painful to watch because I just want her to open up and show everyone how wonderful she it. We are going to keep at it to help keep her social since she's with a nanny at home day in and day out. She is truly a homebody and loves playing in our toy filled basement. She is warming up to her sister more and more, per the nanny, she actually played with her without being asked recently. Hopefully they will be good friends one day!

Avery is becoming a little ball of fun. She is so smiley and happy. Not really rolling over yet, but she is definitely a mover and a shaker. She loves to be upright in a bouncer or practice sitting. she's not a big fan of tummy time and she must be DOUBLE swaddled at night or cries very very hard. She is feisty and has no problem telling us exactly what she wants. She is a great nurser and continues to sleep really well. Usually from 9pm to 5am, with an occasional 3 or 4am wake up here and there. I love this age because they start to really interact with you and laugh with you. I know most parents hate it, but I really cant wait for her to start moving!

Scott and I are crazy busy with work lately, but have a great nanny to help us survive the busy life style. We are adjusting to life with two kids, but it sure isn't easy, especially when we have to take care of them by our self because the other one is working. We are both pretty tired most days, but I'd also say we are deliriously happy. We feel very blessed that everyone is healthy and that most days, everyone is happy :).

1 comment:

  1. good update Becca! Miss you, and glad all is going well. The girls are TOO CUTE! I can't wait to get Gracie and Violet together again!!!
