Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas!! 31 weeks pregnant!

Life update
Today was a great Christmas! Scott and I woke up and made a delicious breakfast (bacon/spinach/feta/mushroom quiche with cinnamon roll pancakes)...

Then we opened presents- got lots of good stuff! Then relaxed and watched A Christmas Story. Love that movie! Followed by a nap, a nice long dog walk, and a tasty dinner. Its so hard to be away from my family, but we made it as home like as possible. We even went to midnight mass last night!

In a few days we are headed to Chicago for my Step 2 clinical skills portion of my boards. Its pretty much an all day session of interviewing fake patients and proving you can think and talk to a patient. We are making a little trip out of it and going to a show one day and a nice dinner. Scott hasn't been to Chi-town before, so we will do a little bit of fun exploring. My next rotation starts next Wednesday- high risk maternal fetal medicine. I'm looking forward to it!!

I just got back from Portland yesterday and got some great pics while I was home! I had a wonderful shower with friends and family! It ended by me falling down a couple stairs with Jocelyn in my arms, on my belly. We headed to labor and delivery and monitored the little girl inside me for about an hour. Jocelyn luckily recovered just fine, as did my little baby and me. It was a touch scary and a heck of a way to end the shower, but I guess I was just trying to make it memorable lol?!?!
Pretty mommies :)

 Adorable little babies, Gracie above, and Kenna below

We also celebrated my older brother's 30th birthday party! It was so nice being able to be there for once at a Ranck celebration!

And a couple of other random pics that I love :) .... Here's me and two of my cute nephews!
 Me and my pretty mother-in-law
We went to Mt. Hood one day to find snow!

While I was home, we had to put my parent's dog, Gunner down. :( It was terribly sad- he had cancer and was having trouble breathing. He was a great dog and I miss him a lot already!!!
To try and keep Christmas spirits up, my parents got a new puppy! Meet molly!

 Love my girlfriends!!
 16 weeks and 31 weeks :)

The cute diaper cake from my shower!

Residency Interview Update
Well interviews are done!!! All 12 of them! They all went well and now Scott and I have some decisions to make. I don't turn in my rank list of the 12 programs I interviewed at until the end of February and then match day (when I find out where I'm going) isn't until March 15th. So, we have a slightly long wait ahead of us, unfortunately. I won't be posting my rank list on here (as it is a public site), but if you're interested, feel free to give a call. Match day is broadcasted online, so when it gets closer, I will let everyone know the link. You can watch Scott and I (and the BABY) go on stage and open our envelope and find out, at the same time as we do, where we are going for the next 4 years. So nerve-wracking!!!!

Baby update - 31 weeks pregnant
How I'm feeling: Doing good! Trying to continue to work out, but its certainly not easy, especially with all of the travel! I am starting to get a little more uncomfortable sitting, mostly because her feet stick up like crazy into my ribs.
Fetal movement: Still feeling lots of jabs and kicks. Now, she likes to stick out her little feet/elbows/knees and leave them out, which is quite funny to feel.
Weight gain so far: 20 lbs
Belly size @ 30 weeks: 36 inches around!
Wearing my weddings rings: Yep.
What I'm most excited for today: To see how she moves once she's born. I have become so used to some of her movements in my belly, and I can only really guess what she's doing half the time. I'm excited to see how she moves, twitches, kicks, hiccups on the outside. Sounds a little silly, I know!
What I'm most afraid of today: The first couple of weeks after the birth. I know they will be VERY challenging, so I'm just hoping Scott and I can hack it.
Cravings: None really as of late, but anything sweet is always ok by me.
Stretchmarks: Not yet.
Favorite moment of the week: Sorting thru all of the clothes from the shower and from my sister and organizing them. She is gonna look so stinking cute on a regular basis :)
Anything make you sick: Not really- felt a little queezy on my flight home yesterday, but thats about it!
Miss anything: BEER!!
This pic is from 30 weeks... Sorry!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

29 weeks pregnant

Just a quick update with photos!!

Here she is about to put her hand in her mouth...

Here's her cute little foot...
Here's some cute little fingers...


This one is the best I think. Shes got her arm in front of her face and she's licking it lol....
 And here's her mom at 29 weeks...

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The best time of the year!

I just love the holidays! The Christmas tree, the music, the lights, the peppermint lattes, the Christmas cookies. Let's just say I love it all and cannot wait to have a little kiddo around to share the fun with!!  Scott is super busy with work, so doesn't generally share my love of the holidays. But I think that may change when we have our baby girl crawling around, tearing open presents.
We took some fun xmas photos that I will post soon, but we are sending out a Christmas card too with one of them. So, enjoy... :)

Scott did a great job with the Christmas lights on our house this year!! Check them out!!
Baby Update - 28 weeks Pregnant
How I'm feeling: Very good. Having some trouble sleeping at night tho. Its like my mind is getting into baby mode and waking up in the middle of the night.
Fetal movement: Tons. She is learning how to pedal those little feeties. I'm also noticing that she loves hanging out on my right side. Not sure what it is about that side, but man does she cling to it and kick me there.
Weight gain so far: 17-18 lbs. Don't even get me started on the amount of weight gain I've had in the past 2 weeks. Terrible stuff, but I just try and keep in mind that its good for my little girly/me to put on weight.
Wearing my weddings rings: Yep.
What I'm most excited for today: Christmas with a crawling cutie next year. Scooter and I get to buy her presents and shower her with love :)
What I'm most afraid of today: More weight gain. I know it sounds stupid, but man its hard to wawtch that scale continuously creep up and up and up
Cravings: Oatmeal
Stretchmarks: Not yet and hopefully never.
Favorite moment of the week: This week in the NICU, we had a mom deliver who was due 4 days before me (Feb 20th). It was just the craziest thing to see a baby that was about the same age as mine. It really put things into perspective as to how big my babe really is and how much she's grown! And the baby in the NICU is doing great luckily!!
Anything make you sick: Nada
Miss anything: Beer. Is it sad that this is always alcohol?
My belly sure is getting BIG- 28 weeks prego, 12 weeks left!!!!

Residency update
Not much to report here - I head to Denver on Thursday and am very excited to go!
Here's what I have left:
Exempla in Denver - Dec. 6th
University of Colorado - Dec. 10th
OHSU - Dec. 13th
Santa Clara Valley Medical Center - Dec. 17th
Kaiser in Santa Clara - Dec. 18th

Sunday, November 25, 2012

The story of how I told Scott that I was pregnant!

Well 27 weeks pregnant and starting the third trimester, there's just not much to tell. So, I thought it would be fun to share the story of how I told Scott we were prego! Here it goes...

It was June 16th, and I was starting to get a little anxious. My period was supposed to start in the next few days, or I was going to be pregnant. I really wanted to wait to take a pregnancy test until I missed my period, but my anxiety got the best of me and I caved. I went out and bought a pack of 2 tests and decided to take one while Scott was away at work. Thinking it would be negative, I looked down and saw this...

As you can see, the line is pretty light, so I was unsure about how "positive" it was. After going thru a billion emotions (shock, excitement, happiness, freaking out, etc), I decided to wait until the next day and take one more test and if it was positive, then I would tell Scott. It was also Father's day the next day, and I knew that would be a fun way to tell him, if I could keep it a secret that long. And let me tell you, that was the longest day of my life. I went out and got him a Fathers day card from the dogs and tried to busy myself that day.
The next morning finally came, AKA I got up a like 5 am and got another "light positive" and decided I had to tell Scotty. I was somehow able to sleep a few more hours and then around 8 am, I started bugging Scott to wake up. I was like, "You have to open this hilarious card from the dogs for fathers day- wake up, wake up, WAKE UP!" He took his time, not realizing why I wanted him to see this card so bad. Well, finally he opened it, and this is what it said...

He was SOOOOO excited and didn't believe me for a while. Shortly thereafter, we went out to the store and bought another 3 pack of pregnancy tests. I took one each day, about every other day, and the last one was about as dark as they come. Screaming at me, YES YOU'RE PREGNANT STUPID!

I don't think I finally believed it until I saw the cutie on the ultrasound machine. What a little miracle she is :). And here she is, the little blob at 8 weeks old!
...So, that's how I told Scotty. And here, we are, several weeks later, with a baby girl growing and changing all the time. Slowly taking over my belly.

I love her so much already!

Monday, November 19, 2012

26 weeks!

Life Updates
Not too much to report. Scott is getting into busy season with Target, working lots, and tired from the busy days. My dad is doing MUCH better- recovering still, but doing very good. I am also doing good, just started my new rotation of NICU today. Its a little hard to see babies that small and not think of mine and start worrying. I just hope that our little girl plans to stay put until mid February at least!

Baby Updates - 26 weeks prego
How I'm feeling: well folks, still doing good here, surprisingly. Although I must say, bending over is becoming more and more of a chore.
Fetal movement: As usual, yes! She loves dancing after I eat sugar or drink caffeine. She also likes to dance once I lay down in bed. She likes to stop dancing when her dad tries to touch her unfortunately lol. Poor Scotty.
Weight gain so far: 13-14 lbs.
Wearing my weddings rings: yep.
What I'm most excited for today: To see who she looks like!! Anyone have guesses?
What I'm most afraid of today: After being in the NICU all day, I'm most afraid of my little girl deciding she wants to come too early.
The bump is getting bigger!! People are noticing I'm pregnant without me having to tell them.

I found some new and exciting questions...
Cravings: Cinnamin rolls. Weird I know, but they are soooo delicious to me right now.
Stretchmarks: I had some on my hips before I got pregnant, not worse yet. Hopefully I don't get more...
Favorite moment of the week: When my friends get to feel my baby girl move. I love getting to share my joy :)
Anything make you sick: Nope.
Miss anything: WINE!!!
Residency Updates
University of New Mexico - done
Phoenix Integrated Residency of Ob/Gyn- done
Rush in Chicago - done
Kaiser in Oakland - done
Creighton - done
Mayo - done
University of Utah - done
I would tell you how each of them went, but since this is a public site, that anyone has access to, I'd rather play it safe. If you're curious, give me a call! :)
Exempla in Denver - Dec. 6th
University of Colorado - Dec. 10th
OHSU - Dec. 13th
Santa Clara Valley Medical Center - Dec. 17th
Kaiser in Santa Clara - Dec. 18th

Sunday, November 4, 2012

24 weeks prego

Life update:
Well, this was quite a whirl wind of a week. I was on my way out of town, on a flight to Chicago, when my aunt texted and let me know my dad was having a heart attack (he was in Florida at the time). It wasn't a complete surprise as I had talked to him earlier in the day because he wasn't feeling well. I had urged him to go to urgent care to get an EKG and now I'm so glad I did. He is doing well and is back home in Oregon, taking it easy for a little while. He is such a healthy guy already, it makes the whole recovery process much easier, but geez, that was a scary day. Those kind of things just completely rock your world. I love my dad way too much to let some little heart attack take him away from me already! I sure do love and appreciate how great of a family I have and moments like this just make me realize is more! Love you all so much :)

Residency Update:
OHSU offered me an interview!!! YAY! Such a relief :). Here's an updated schedule!

University of New Mexico - done
Phoenix Integrated Residency of Ob/Gyn- done
Rush in Chicago - done
Kaiser in Oakland - Nov 8th
Creighton - Nov 10th
Mayo - Nov. 13th
University of Utah - Nov. 16th
Exempla in Denver - Dec. 6th
University of Colorado - Dec. 10th
OHSU - Dec. 13th
Santa Clara Valley Medical Center - Dec. 17th
Kaiser in Santa Clara - Dec. 18th

Baby Update:
How I'm feeling: SUPER - i love this little lady more and more :). We think we have a name picked out by the way... but won't be sharing until birth. What if we change our mind?!? Sorry everyone :)
Fetal movement: tons. I got to have another ultrasound for fun this weekend (gotta love being in the baby field) and she looks super cramped in there already! Yet, she is still able to practice her dance moves on a daily basis.
Weight gain so far: 11 lbs.
Wearing my weddings rings: yep. No cankles yet either lol.
What I'm most excited for today: To watch her grow more and more each day. My belly is popping out more all the time!
What I'm most afraid of today: The pain of laboring... please let the epidural take all of the pain away!

Scott put the crib together this week, in under one hour :)

The dogs are excited about it too....
Just needs a mattress and some bedding in it now. Its a slow work in progress!
 The art work I painted today... I did it free hand. Its not perfect, but I figure its painted with love and was WAY cheaper than a wall decal!


24 weeks prego and slowly popping out. Baby girl is shy about making appearances :)