Sunday, November 25, 2012

The story of how I told Scott that I was pregnant!

Well 27 weeks pregnant and starting the third trimester, there's just not much to tell. So, I thought it would be fun to share the story of how I told Scott we were prego! Here it goes...

It was June 16th, and I was starting to get a little anxious. My period was supposed to start in the next few days, or I was going to be pregnant. I really wanted to wait to take a pregnancy test until I missed my period, but my anxiety got the best of me and I caved. I went out and bought a pack of 2 tests and decided to take one while Scott was away at work. Thinking it would be negative, I looked down and saw this...

As you can see, the line is pretty light, so I was unsure about how "positive" it was. After going thru a billion emotions (shock, excitement, happiness, freaking out, etc), I decided to wait until the next day and take one more test and if it was positive, then I would tell Scott. It was also Father's day the next day, and I knew that would be a fun way to tell him, if I could keep it a secret that long. And let me tell you, that was the longest day of my life. I went out and got him a Fathers day card from the dogs and tried to busy myself that day.
The next morning finally came, AKA I got up a like 5 am and got another "light positive" and decided I had to tell Scotty. I was somehow able to sleep a few more hours and then around 8 am, I started bugging Scott to wake up. I was like, "You have to open this hilarious card from the dogs for fathers day- wake up, wake up, WAKE UP!" He took his time, not realizing why I wanted him to see this card so bad. Well, finally he opened it, and this is what it said...

He was SOOOOO excited and didn't believe me for a while. Shortly thereafter, we went out to the store and bought another 3 pack of pregnancy tests. I took one each day, about every other day, and the last one was about as dark as they come. Screaming at me, YES YOU'RE PREGNANT STUPID!

I don't think I finally believed it until I saw the cutie on the ultrasound machine. What a little miracle she is :). And here she is, the little blob at 8 weeks old!
...So, that's how I told Scotty. And here, we are, several weeks later, with a baby girl growing and changing all the time. Slowly taking over my belly.

I love her so much already!

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