Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The best time of the year!

I just love the holidays! The Christmas tree, the music, the lights, the peppermint lattes, the Christmas cookies. Let's just say I love it all and cannot wait to have a little kiddo around to share the fun with!!  Scott is super busy with work, so doesn't generally share my love of the holidays. But I think that may change when we have our baby girl crawling around, tearing open presents.
We took some fun xmas photos that I will post soon, but we are sending out a Christmas card too with one of them. So, enjoy... :)

Scott did a great job with the Christmas lights on our house this year!! Check them out!!
Baby Update - 28 weeks Pregnant
How I'm feeling: Very good. Having some trouble sleeping at night tho. Its like my mind is getting into baby mode and waking up in the middle of the night.
Fetal movement: Tons. She is learning how to pedal those little feeties. I'm also noticing that she loves hanging out on my right side. Not sure what it is about that side, but man does she cling to it and kick me there.
Weight gain so far: 17-18 lbs. Don't even get me started on the amount of weight gain I've had in the past 2 weeks. Terrible stuff, but I just try and keep in mind that its good for my little girly/me to put on weight.
Wearing my weddings rings: Yep.
What I'm most excited for today: Christmas with a crawling cutie next year. Scooter and I get to buy her presents and shower her with love :)
What I'm most afraid of today: More weight gain. I know it sounds stupid, but man its hard to wawtch that scale continuously creep up and up and up
Cravings: Oatmeal
Stretchmarks: Not yet and hopefully never.
Favorite moment of the week: This week in the NICU, we had a mom deliver who was due 4 days before me (Feb 20th). It was just the craziest thing to see a baby that was about the same age as mine. It really put things into perspective as to how big my babe really is and how much she's grown! And the baby in the NICU is doing great luckily!!
Anything make you sick: Nada
Miss anything: Beer. Is it sad that this is always alcohol?
My belly sure is getting BIG- 28 weeks prego, 12 weeks left!!!!

Residency update
Not much to report here - I head to Denver on Thursday and am very excited to go!
Here's what I have left:
Exempla in Denver - Dec. 6th
University of Colorado - Dec. 10th
OHSU - Dec. 13th
Santa Clara Valley Medical Center - Dec. 17th
Kaiser in Santa Clara - Dec. 18th

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