Sunday, January 27, 2013

36 weeks prego

Life Update
Good news- Scott is taking over the position in Omaha and starts there in the next 2 weeks! So, he'll be close to me when I go into labor and when the baby is here. This is such a HUGE relief. It will be so so so nice to have him close to home- there's just something comforting about knowing he could get home at a moment's notice if need be.
I just finished up high risk maternal fetal medicine and start clinical psychopharmacology tomorrow. This rotation is only about 1 hour a day, so it will be MUCH easier on me in my 9th month of pregnancy. I will get to start deep cleaning the house and getting it ready to put it on the market. We obviously won't sell until we know for sure we are moving, but it will be nice to get it spick and span while I have the time!!
A little over a week ago, I had another ultrasound for fun (the perks of being in the biz). She was ~6lbs 2 oz!!!! I told her (the baby of course) that she should slow down her growth immediately as she is only supposed to be about 7 lbs when she comes out :). Here are some photos of my ADORABLE child! And yes, I am already a proud mama!

It appears as though my child already has pouty lips... Cant wait to kiss them :)
Baby Update - 36 weeks
How I'm feeling: Today, great. Although I have to say, it does vary by the day now. On Wednesday, I was having painful contractions and ended up going to the doctor to be checked. Luckily, I'm not dilating at all and the contractions passed. I think I just over do it sometimes and it caught up with me that day!  
Fetal movement: Still lots, but her movements have definitely slowed down (not as brisk). I was holding a 2 day old baby the other day and noticed that it moved a lot of the way that I imagine my baby girl moving inside me. So cute :)
Weight gain so far: 26 lbs
Belly size: 38 inches around!
Wearing my weddings rings: Yep.
What I'm most excited for today: Gosh, as cheesy as it sounds, every little thing. Even the bad days. I never thought I would be this mushy gushy mom, but honestly, I think I have become it. I love her so much already, sometimes so that I tear up when I think about it. I guess that could be the hormones too :).
What I'm most afraid of today: Match day (AKA the day that I find out where I'm doing my residency). Not baby related, but it will definitely effect my family as a whole. And it sure is quickly approaching.
Cravings: Nothing really.
Stretchmarks: Nope.
Favorite moment of the week: Prenatal yoga. Digging how good it feels to relax and center in on my body and the baby. Plus all of the stretching feels amazing!
Anything make you sick: Smells have been getting to me lately. This is weird for me because before I was pregnant, I really had a terrible sense of smell. Now, its as though I smell everything to the Nth degree. And some of it, makes me nauseas.
Miss anything: My family. I am loving this pregnancy so far, but sometimes I wish my family were closer to go through it with me.

Warning: I do not like this front view of me. I think my hips looks like hippos and my face looks fat and tired, HOWEVER, I do want to remember how I looked with my precious little girl inside of me, even if I don't find it flattering.

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