Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

What a great year its been! And holy cow did it fly by?!?! So many fun things to reflect on: getting pregnant, applying to residency, Scott passing his STL interviews, etc. We are so lucky to have such great family and friends supporting us through this adventure we are on. Love you all! Now this year, Scott will hopefully get his own store to manage (depends on availability) and become a DAD! And I will become a true Doc and a MOM!
Scott and I went to Chicago for my step 2 clinical skills boards and to celebrate our 2 year anniversary. We went to Melting pot for dinner... delicious!

 Then to a dualing piano bar. Which by the way, I have never had so many people give me "looks" - can a pregnant woman not enjoy music in a bar?!? Its not like I was shooting tequila or anything! Anyway, we had a good time regardless!
 Explored the city a little...

 Ate deep dish pizza!!
 And went to see A Christmas Carole
We had a really nice time! It was fun to get a way for a bit and have someone else clean up (our room) after us. Probably our last trip without a BABY! Crazy business!
NYE marked our 2 year anniversary. This year, we did things a little differently by staying sober. Which sounds super lame, but was actually pretty fun. Played lots of games and had plenty of good company.
32 weeks and 17 weeks - prego ladies :)
 Alcohol free champagne?!?! Very yummy!
 Love these ladies!
 Love this man!
 Happy New Year!!
 And here we are 2 years ago, celebrating the new year! What a fun party that was! Still so in love with my Scotty. I feel so blessed to be married to such a thoughtful, caring, patient, HOT man! :)
Baby update- 32 weeks pregnant:
How I'm feeling: Good for 32 weeks prego- meaning this big belly is definitely starting to get in the way. Every now and then I have twinges of pain in my lower abdomen from pushing myself too hard or feel like she may fall out, but I think thats mostly her dropping down. Weird feeling though!
Fetal movement: Pretty much the same here. Lots!
Weight gain so far: 21-22lbs (depending on the time of day of course).
Belly size: 37 inches around!
Wearing my weddings rings: Yep.
What I'm most excited for today: Really anything and everything having to do with her. I think about singing in the car with her one day, braiding her hair, teaching her to read, cuddling up with her. It all makes me so incredibly excited to be a mom.
What I'm most afraid of today: That Scott won't be at the delivery and he'll be stuck at work. I've had a couple of vivid dreams of that, where I can't get a hold of him no matter what I do and I'm about to push the baby out...
Cravings: Chai latte K-cups
Stretchmarks: Nope.
Favorite moment of the week: Celebrating my 2 year anniversary with my wonderful husband. I realize this is not baby related, but its true.
Anything make you sick: Not this week.
Miss anything: Real champagne on NYE. Being able to walk long distances and push myself at the gym without feeling like I may go into preterm labor.
32 weeks pregnant!
 I think I look kinda booty-licious in this photo, but oh well... Its hard to take any photo of myself that I love these days, so this will have to do.
 That's about it. Here's to hoping 2013 is as amazing as 2012!!

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