Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Another pregnancy, another attempt at a journal

Well, here we are again. Prego! Very excited/nervous! 2 kids... Are we crazy?! The answer is yes. Due 11/9/2015. With Violet, I was able to easily turn my blog posts into a very cute little photo book/journal, so I am going to attempt to do this for this child. Just trying to keep it fair I guess. I am a little bit busier this time around. The whole residency thing puts a bit of a damper on my blogging life, but, here goes nothing.

I am feeling great so far. Tired most days, but that's really not too out of the norm for me considering I spend my days working a VERY full time job catching babies and then come home to chase one around the house (I guess she's more of a toddler now). I had a little bit of nausea from 6-8w, but since then have been feeling much better. And news with this pregnancy, WE ARENT FINDING OUT THE GENDER! These are always my favorite deliveries, and its what Scott wanted to do, so I figured, why not?! Scott thinks I won't be able to do it, considering I have daily access to an ultrasound, but I have been doing really good! And it seems to just be getting easier with time. Then again, I'm only 16.5 weeks so I've got some time left. Bringing back the questions because I found this much easier to help me blog last time...

How I'm feeling:  tired, but very good. I think I may be getting a little energy back, maybe
Fetal movement: little flutters, very irregularly
Weight gain so far: 5lbs
Wearing my weddings rings: yes
What I'm most excited for today: Watching Vi play with a little brother or sister. She adores babies
What I'm most afraid of today: the chaos of 2 kids
Cravings: anything sweet
Stretchmarks: no
Anything make you sick: no
Miss anything: per usual, a nice glass of wine

And now, bump photos. I thought it would be kinda fun to see the comparison of the two pregnancies. The ones on the right are this pregnancy.

And now for life. Violet is doing awesome. She's my sassy little lady and while 2 has been a tough age, man, it can be fun too. The amount of words and sentences and funny little phrases have me laughing nearly all the time (when I'm not pulling my hair out from the tantrums). We attempted potty training last weekend and quickly deserted it. She's not ready and I don't have time, so, we aren't forcing it. She has until Nov. to get it figured out :).

Scott is doing well at Target. He is now just patiently awaiting to get his own store (be a store manager), but in the meantime, he's happy and a very busy guy keeping the 2 ladies in his life happy. (which he does a great job at - best husband and dad for sure).

I am about to enter my 3rd year of residency. HALF WAY DONE!!! Yay! I have many hard/long days, but I also am at a great program, surrounded by the best docs/residents/ nurses, so I really can't complain.

Now for life photos...




  1. This is my third try to publish on your site! But I won't give up because it is so important to write what is happening in the world so you can go back and read this when you are older. Don't let life get so busy that you can't write because this is a beautiful gift!!

  2. I finally figured this out!! Woo Hoo! We can't wait to see you little one!!
