Monday, June 8, 2015

18 weeks and growing

How I'm feeling:  today, tired, but that's probably because I worked overnight on Saturday and didn't sleep great Sunday. No other problems though. Hard to believe I'm almost half way done!
Fetal movement: lots, daily. Its so fun! Scott even felt a little kick the other night. This is my favorite part of pregnancy- all the movement is just the coolest feeling.
Weight gain so far: 7lbs
Wearing my weddings rings: yes
What I'm most excited for today: Baby snuggles. They are the BEST!
What I'm most afraid of today: preterm labor
Cravings: still on the sweets train...
Stretchmarks: no
Anything make you sick: not currently
Miss anything: not really this week. I forgot about the pooch you develop before the baby bump- the part where you just look fat instead of pregnant. Not my favorite...

Head below, with a hand right by it. Baby was measuring 9 ounces this week. This kiddo's getting big already. I also resisted the temptation to look while a co-resident scanned me, pretty proud of myself!

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